Fingerwave Salon & Spa Inc
2008-2060 Symons Valley Pky NW, Calgary AB T3P 0M9
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The only book Lindsay Jean Stanners ever published was entitled Five Minute Tips and Bobby Pins Tricks. She wrote it as a young girl to share fashion tips with her friends who were always asking her for style advice. She produced just one copy, and was a hit with her social circle.

Today, Lindsay owns Fingerwave Salon & Spa located in the Evanston neighbourhood in Calgary’s far northwest. She still aims to teach clients how to style and take care of their beauty routines independently. “I don’t want to do it for you. I want you to be able to do your own hair,” she says. “It gets people more into beauty that way.” Fingerwave services include haircuts and styling, manicures, pedicures, threading and facials.

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