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  • Anglais,
  • Panjabi,
7347 145A St, Surrey BC V3S 2Y8
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Évaluations et commentaires - TriCore Fitness

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    Nothing but good ...

    Nothing but good things to say. I went to tricore fitness after I injured my wrist and was able to find a workout that helps strengthen my wrist and also work on other muscle groups

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    I highly recommen...

    I highly recommend James! Working with James on my fitness has been life changing. He has been nothing but encouraging and supportive of all aspects of my well being not just my muscles. I have noticed not only my physical health as been improved but mentally as well. Since I been getting trained by James I have lost 12 pounds and making healthier choices. Jame trains with care and compassion and he does everything he can to help you reach your goal. Also, James is my 3rd trainer and so far he's best trainer I had. He's very professional :) Thank you James for putting up with and being my wellness trainer !

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    I am a beginner a...

    I am a beginner and James was great! The initial consult was very informative and he did a great job easing me into things and intensifying the workouts as i progressed and is helping me achieve my goals. I highly recommend TriCore to any and all, no matter what your goals are!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    I've have the opp...

    I've have the opportunity to work out with James and it is a blast but also very hardcore, everytime. On our very 1st session we did full body and he had me swearing in the 1st 5 minutes. He took the time to understand my fitness levels and build a program around that to get me to the next stage of my goals. Very smart and focused! Highly recommend James as the go to man for your next trainer!!!!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    I have been going...

    I have been going to TriCore Fintess for the past four months, four times a week. In this short amount of time, I have seen a drastic improvement not only in my body but my overall health. James has been super helpful to getting down to the root of the problem and going above and beyond to help me achieve my ideal body goal. He has helped me improve my posture, lose weight, tone up, and help with my diet. He has a personalized workout routine geared towards my needs and is constantly checking in with me. He is encouraging and extremely knowledgeable. I cannot thank James enough for taking me on as a client and helping me change my lifestyle and body for the better!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Tricore fitness h...

    Tricore fitness has been a great experience; it helped me achieve my short-term fitness goals. I was impressed by the facility and professionalism compared to a lot of other gyms I have tried over the years. It is a great location as well if you live in surrey, and a gym without any other members so the attention is focused on your needs alone. I would recommend giving it a try to see if it suits your needs as well!

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Best trainer in s...

    Best trainer in surrey! I've seen the amazing results in just 3 months. Highly recommend tricore fitness.

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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