
At our clinic, you will find a friendly warm environment. Our therapists and support staff are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care.
Hitchon's Physiotherapy clinic is a 3000 square foot facility with a 1200 square foot gym dedicated to an active stretching, strengthening and conditioning program.
At our clinic, you will find a friendly warm environment. Our therapists and support staff are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality of care.

Physiotherapy Rates

Initial Assessment: $80.00

Subsequent visits: $70.00


For Motor Vehicle Accidents, WSIB injuries, Veterans Affairs Canada and Shockwave Therapy: Please call us at 613-967-7991. We are able to Direct Bill most insurance companies.Read More

Doctor’s Referral is not required for Physiotherapy... but may be required for your extended health care plan.

Direct Billing to:

  • Auto Insurance
  • WSIB (work related)
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Most Insurance Companies

For a complete list of your Extended Healthcare Companies, click here


K-Taping also known as Neuro-Proprioceptive Taping gives the patient double-action pain relief. Firstly, it interrupts the pain signal to the brain so the pain disappears or diminishes.


Welcome to Hitchon's Physiotherapy in Belleville, Ontario!

Hitchon's Physiotherapy Belleville Office

At Hitchon's, you will always find a friendly, warm environment. You can trust our therapists and staff to provide only the highest quality of care. 

Common Conditions We Treat:

  • Car Accident Injuries 
  • WSIB (work-related injuries)
  • Sports Injuries 
  • Repetitive Strain 
  • Orthopaedic Injury/Surgery 
  • Gradual Onset of Pain 

From personal injury treatment to treatment for car accident injuries - we do it all!

Our team can help remove pain in your joints, bones, tendons, muscles or nerves. We’ll do everything we can to help get you back to your full potential! 


Book Your Assessment

Book Here

Are you looking for quality physiotherapy in Belleville, Ontario? Give our team of trained therapists a call today! Reach us at (613) 967-7991.

We promise to set you up with a treatment plan quickly and safely. So you can get back to being you!

The sooner you get treatment, the better your chances of reducing your recovery time. That’s why our team does our best to provide assessments within 24 hours of your initial call. 


Our Physiotherapy Services include:

Manual therapy (Myofascial Release). Home exercise programs. An active gym program. Education (Ergonomics, Lifting Techniques, etc.). Modalities (Laser, Interferential current, Ultrasound, Tens, Heat, Ice, Wax therapy). Shockwave therapy. Acupuncture. Traction. Hydrotherapy. Sport and Spine Physiotherapy. Myofascial Release. Jobst Pump. Neuro-Proprioceptive taping.