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Next stop: the travel health clinic

19 février 2016

Planning a trip abroad? Did you know that doing so could expose you to various illnesses, no matter how exquisite your destination may seem? Make your local travel health clinic your first stop on the itinerary.

Next stop: the travel health clinic

Preventative care is essential before leaving the country, especially when it comes to immunizations. The Government of Canada recommends visiting a travel clinic at least six weeks before your departure. During your visit, a health care professional will:

  • Check your vaccination history to make sure you are up to date with your immunizations based on the province’s guidelines.
  • Evaluate your specific needs in relation to your destination, and administer the vaccinations that are recommended or required.
  • Answer all your questions and provide you with advice on how to stay healthy and safe during your trip.

Get insured

  • Furthermore, always make sure you have proper insurance while travelling abroad.
  • If your claim gets rejected, or if you experience difficulties following an incident that occurred on your trip, seek legal advice. An expert will help you sort everything out.

Did you know?

  • With the excitement of trip planning, oftentimes, important aspects like health and safety fall by the wayside.
  • Even if you think you're up to date, it's best to double-check. Over time, vaccines can lose their potency and put you at risk for illness.
  • This is why it’s important to keep your vaccinations up to date.

To find a list of vaccines recommended and/or required to travel to your desired destination, visit www.travel.gc.ca or ask your health care provider. And always have a copy of your immunization records with you while travelling.

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